Sisyphus Tablets

Sisyphus Tablets – The definition of this construction is that which corresponds or is linked to Sisyphus, a Greek mythological character. And this can mean all that unsuccessful work, where it takes a lot of effort to get it done, but it is never possible to finish it. Therefore, this is an example of a desperate and challenging task.

Where Did The Ideas From These Tables Come from?

At a vernissage held at a local architectural firm, guests aged 5 to 85 sat around several black steel circular tables inside which a steel ball moved precisely, creating patterns complexes in white sand. Captivating and curious, the tables prompted many questions: Is it random or planned? If expected, what guides the little ball? How does the ball turn extremely detailed ridges, tunnels, and lines into mandala-like patterns? Who thought of this, and how does it work?

How does the Sisyphus Tablets mechanism work?

These functional objects of art are known as Sisyphus and are tables that combine kinetic art, technology and design in a fascinating process of meditative beauty. “In Greek mythology,” the text on the product’s website explains, “Sisyphus was doomed to roll a boulder over a mountain for all eternity. In our art, Sisyphus is a kinetic sculpture that rolls a ball in the sand. Creating and erasing beautiful patterns forever. Sisyphus is a work of kinetic art: it is an instrument. Like a musical instrument plays songs, Sisyphus plays paths.

Sisyphus Tablets who later founded and reigned in Efira.

And his wife was Merope, the seventh of the Pleiades, daughter of Pleione and the titan Atlas.

In later accounts of The Odyssey, he is also considered the father of Odysseus with Anticlee. (In the Homeric poem, Ulysses is the son of Laërte and Anticlée).

Before dying, Sisyphus asks his wife Merope not to make any sacrifice to her, as was the custom among the Greeks. She grants his request, but Sisyphus then complains to Hades because his wife has made no sacrifice to him, asking him to return to the world to punish her. But already back in Efira or Corinth, he does not want to return to hell until Hermes forcibly sends him away.

It was there that the gods punished him by forcing him to push the stone back every time he approached the top. Thus, the task of Sisyphus told in the Odyssey is repeat tirelessly, without obtaining the mercy of the gods who, on the contrary, leave him blind.

However, Homer does not mention the real cause of this punishment. Some scholars argue that Minos owed this punishment because Sisyphus did not want to die and will never die. Other scholars say that this was due to Sisyphus’ custom of attacking and murdering travelers.

Based on this story, Albert Camus (1913-1960), published in 1942, the essay “Le mythe de Sisyphus. There he exhibits Sisyphus’s work as a metaphor for modern life, which is do both in offices and factories. Thus, he show that a routine task that is tirelessly accomplish every day. Is an absurd but not tragic fate, except when he becomes aware of his situation. Now can you know the magnet?

For Camus, Sisyphus’ truly tragic moment is when he returns to the bottom of the. Mountain to start the task over again. Because that’s when the hero recognizes his miserable condition. However, when he realizes the insignificance of his job, he frees himself to become aware. Of the situation and accept it.